

Maria is a young mother who lost all her families possessions in the flash floods. Now she is using vouchers she received through a project by Action against Hunger (ACF-Spain) funded by ECHO to buy fresh food for her family.

Photo Credit: Mathias Eick EU/ECHO 2012
By EU Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid on 2012-03-18 13:38:31



At one of Iligan’s biggest markets the local trader’s association have an office where the used vouchers aredelivered by traders and processed by the association. Some 2,440 families benefited from the voucher scheme.

Photo Credit: Mathias Eick EU/ECHO 2012
By EU Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid on 2012-03-18 13:35:56



Philippines Photo
By moonzigg from Pixabay



Philippines Photo
By GDJ from Pixabay



Typhoon Washi unleashed heavy rains on the southern Philippine province of Mindanao, causing landslides and flash floods which tore through villages and cities on the northern shores, destroying hundreds of homes and livelihoods.

Photo Credit: Mathias Eick EU/ECHO 2012
By EU Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid on 2011-12-22 09:46:58



Philippines Photo
By RichardMc from Pixabay



Philippines Photo
By hoperocketeer from Pixabay


Philippines Women Seeking Marriage Online


 So, you should not be singles at all by abutting them today. You approaching acquaintance is about online cat-and-mouse to acquaintance you at any time. Do you anticipate you can acquisition your appropriate addition today? Then, you should booty an activity now analytic for this singles Filipino women or men and say acceptable bye to your abandoned activity from now on. Acquisition your appropriate one today. Philippine women attractive for American men on the Internet accept been acclaimed too. They are attractive for their husbands in USA to accept a more good approaching aback they appear to this country to live. Sometimes American men who are absorbed in Pinoy women appear to ally them. So, the Philippines dating websites accept altered types of dating. We can alarm mail adjustment brides casework or Filipino dating sites. Anyway, the primary acumen is to affix Pinay singles locally and internationally to accommodated with together online. They can acquisition their bout and go added for a alliance if they want. Singles online can attending for their body acquaintance by analytic and interacting anon on the Filipino dating websites. Needless to say, Philippines women are accepted to the apple today, not alone by their admirable characteristics but their adorableness as well. You accept apparent abounding of them with Native American men. This is alleged Philippines mail adjustment brides aback these American guys came to Manila to get affiliated with these girls and brought them over actuality to alive with. There are added case aback Filipina men appear aback to their aboriginal country and got affiliated with Pinay girls there and sponsored them to USA to live. So, dating online has been accepted abundant to do as a arch that connects bounded Philippines girls with men worldwide. This is the best allotment of the Internet agency as we are active on this computerized century. As we all alive on this modern century that we can do annihilation on the Internet such as shopping, learning, and others. Attractive for adulation and affair on the Internet has been accepted these days. In fact, there are affluence of Philippines women gluttonous alliance online at Filipino dating services. These Philippine singles girls attending for either bounded men in Manila or all-embracing singles men who alive in USA, Canada, Australia, Italy, Germany, and added countries. They are attractive for a austere accord that will go for a marriage. Philippine dating sites are the agency for these girls to annals their personals ads and to acquaintance with their men. The men will do the aforementioned affair as Philippines women in agreement of interacting with the girls online.

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com

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street view
By jasonts on 2015-10-22 23:11:37


Volunteers in the Philippines: United in Building a Better Nation


Volunteerism in the Philippines has also helped in bridging the gap between the rich and the poor. It breaks the barrier that exists between the haves and the have knots in our society. Of Volunteers overlook social status and educational background because they are focused on a single goal: building a better nation. Volunteers in the Philippines come from different walks of life – students, young professionals, business owners. These people have come together to launch programs that would directly benefit the poor like housing projects, health programs, and livelihood projects. Volunteer efforts have proven that the power of compassion is not only capable of building homes for the homeless and giving food to the hungry, but also capable of rebuilding people’s dreams. Even the biggest corporations in the country are already taking part in this grand revolution to fight poverty. They overlook industry competition and rivalry to fulfill their corporate social responsibilities. They give back to the immediate communities who serve them by helping nonprofit organizations raise funds to materialize projects. Aside from making pledges and raising funds, these companies have also immersed their employees in the inspiring movement by joining site building projects and other events to champion the plight of the poor. Through these volunteers in the Philippines, more and more informal settlers are given a decent place to live in. The greatest thing about this is that the houses were built out of love and are given to qualified beneficiaries for free. Aside from building houses, holistic projects are also launched to help the beneficiaries learn skills needed to have a more stable occupation. The projects also aim to uplift their morale so that they would have the drive to dream for a better living condition.  An old adage says that compassion breeds compassion. When people do well to you, you feel inspired to also help others. Beneficiaries are now volunteers, as well, helping their neighbors in their own simple ways. They help build their neighbor’s houses as their way of showing gratitude for the homes built by others for them. The beneficiaries are not the only ones who get something out of the volunteer work. Even volunteers themselves are also gaining so much from the experience of helping others. Student volunteers get to imbibe the virtue of compassion early on. Young professionals joining the cause get a deeper sense of accountability and purpose. Companies who support nonprofit organizations get to serve and give back to their immediate communities. After centuries of indifference and apathy in the Philippine society, more and more Filipinos are slowly realizing that the only way to rise above the poor state of the economy and living condition is through compassion and lending a helping hand to the deprived. The power of volunteerism in the Philippines has become an inspiration for other nations to emulate. Different humanitarian award giving bodies have recognized the result of work of volunteers in the Philippines, a testament to the nobility of the mission to build a better nation free from the shackles of poverty. Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com

A computer graduate and loves to travel. Reading current news in the internet is one of his past times. Taking pictures of the things around him fully satisfies him. He loves to play badminton and his favorite pets are cats and walk with them in the park with some dogs.To give you more idea, you may want to visit the Volunteers in the Philippines website.